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27 Sep 2019 12:51

Emre Yuasa

Emre is Director at Globis Capital Partners, leading investments in IT startups targeting digital transformation of various industries. His track record includes GLM (electric vehicle startup, acquired by a Hong Kong based public company) and he sits on the board of Sensyn Robotics (integrated drone solution), MFS (mortgage and personal credit scoring), Global Mobility Service (auto loan, IoT), New Standard (digital media and brand studio), Photosynth (smartlock IoT) and work closely with Shippio (digital freight forwarder), and CADDi (procurement platform for manufacturing parts).

Prior to joining Globis Capital Partners, Emre worked for Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting (Tokyo) and KPMG Management Consulting (Tokyo), where he specialized in overseas expansion and Post Merger Integration.

He currently teaches at Globis University Graduate School of Management (MBA). Emre graduated from Harvard Business School (MBA) and Ohio State University (magna cum laude).


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